Abhilash Purohit

Jack of all Hobbies

Workshop Wall of various tools and instruments

I wanted to be a Jack of ALL Trades. Yes. All of them. Every single one of them. That’s what I wanted to be when I was growing up. It’s a fool’s errand, a wild goose chase; I’ve been told. I’m still told that by well-meaning friends and family that I should pick one area and focus on it.

I nod along, but I never agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. I realized that there are very few areas in life that I can truly be an expert in or an authority on. It takes extreme dedication and single-minded focus.

While I’ve been known to be able to put this kind of dedication and focus on some areas in my life, I don’t have fixed hobbies.

Being able to learn something quickly, experiment with multiple ideas at once and to juggle many hobbies/interests at once – that’s my strength.

If you find yourself in a similar position, stop beating yourself up over the fact that you aren’t able to concentrate on one thing. Take advantage of your natural strengths. There’s no good or bad way. There’s just your way. 

If being a specialist is your strength, then surely invest the 10000 hours that make you the world-leading expert on that topic. The world needs you. 

However, if you lose interest in something after 20 hours, know that you’re not a write-off. Find short term hobbies. It’s ok to juggle multiple balls at once and see which ones stay up and which fall to the ground. 

It may take some time. But, you’re sure to find a ball that stays up for a long time. Something that keeps you interested for a long time. That’s your passion, and you will do well to chase it.

Even after you’ve found your calling, do not stop looking for new things to try. Keep playing by your strengths. That’s what I’m doing. You will have at least me to keep you company.

Tell me everything you’ve tried. Better still, tell me everything you haven’t tried, but want to. That should be a fun list.


Abhilash Purohit