Abhilash Purohit

It’s not easy, but it’s worth it

Woman in running shoes running on grass in the park

Entrepreneurship is many things. Easy is not one of them.

You’ve probably heard people say how entrepreneurship is hard. I’ve heard someone describe it as being harder than carving a marble statue with a blunt spoon.

See, here’s the thing. It’s worth it because it is hard. It’s worth it because more people get out of this journey and run back to the safety of a 9-5 job every day.

Think of it like a running race where there’s a pot of gold at the end. For every 100 people that start together 91 people drop out after the first 20% of the race.

It’s worth it because all it takes to succeed is to keep running longer than everyone else who started it. The longer you stay in the race, the better your odds are at winning.

Don’t fret that it’s not easy. Instead, be grateful for it. If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it. And when everyone is doing something, it’s not worth it for anyone.

You’re in the race. You can either choose to be one of the 91 who leave it midway, or you can decide to go for the gold.

Wear your running shoes, pick up a bottle of water, get some energy bars, and start running. You don’t have to sprint. You can even walk if you can’t run. Or take a break for a while if you’re too tired.

Just keep moving forward – slowly but steadily. Conserve your energy and enthusiasm, and stay strong. There is a pot of gold at the end of this, I assure you.

If you’ve been on the journey for a while now, let me know what motivates you to keep running every day. I can share it with others too.

If you’re thinking of quitting, hit reply and share your story. Maybe I can help.

Abhilash Purohit