Abhilash Purohit

Summary: Week 1

Every Sunday, I collate everything I have written over the week from Monday to Saturday. If you’ve been busy and haven’t been able to read this week’s articles, I hope one or more of these articles will interest you.

The King and His Treasure | Wednesday, 01 Jan 2020

I talk about running a business without clarity about the financial situation, and what can be done to get out of that trap. Silly story, powerful message.

The Story of Two Statues | Thursday, 02 Jan 2020

I discuss the trap of perfectionism and chasing artistic ambitions. I propose how a “good enough is good enough” approach is best suited for early-stage entrepreneurs.

Iteration Leads to Greatness | Friday, 03 Jan 2020

Once more, I talk about not letting perfectionism delay your first release, and to understand the value of iteratively improving your offerings.

I hope you enjoyed some of these at least. Let me know which was your favorite, and which made no sense at all.


Abhilash Purohit